Join Us at Trade Days

This October the team at Alert-iT are heading to the NEC in Birmingham for the annual Trade Days exhibition. Taking place on Sunday 18th and Monday 19th October, we?ll be on hand to share expert advice and information across all areas of assistive technology. This trade only exhibition is a dedicated event for trade businesses…

The Complete Carer Call System

Alert-iT would like to bring to your attention our latest product; the Ip-it compact logging solution for assistive Epilepsy technology; a “black box, flight record” for care homes. The complete Carer Call System is a fantastic alternative to the traditional warden and nurse call systems What is The Ip-iT? This compact logging solution for alarm…

Join Our New Epilepsy Forum

Many of you may remember that -and hopefully will have been helped- in December 2014 Alert-it produced an Epilepsy Awareness campaign aimed to bring this condition to the forefront of everyone?s mind. The campaign wasn?t exclusive and was aimed at individuals who have epilepsy themselves, those who are friends or family members, carers, or just…

ISO Accreditation for Alert-it Care Alarms

Alert-it Care Alarms are extremely pleased to announce that we have obtained the highly regarded ISO accreditation. Displaying the teams continued ability to work to a high standard, we would like to point out that we were able to obtain this accreditation in just 2 months! Not only is this fantastic news for the whole…