Here at Alert-it we pride ourselves on providing invaluable solutions to those who have epilepsy as well as their family, friends and carers. In order to continue helping others we need your help, and it couldn?t be easier.
Assistive technology, such as monitors and alarms, are the ideal solution to ensure you with peace of mind and help manage independence for longer. Such technology, which monitors the risks and activities of those who have epilepsy, is both reliable and robust and the latest technology ensures that carers can be notified of dangers in a safe and timely manner.
With the ability to help change lives assistive technology is truly invaluable. However, despite all the fantastic work which has helped and changed so many lives we know that more can still be done. With your help we can continue to provide great support as well as help even more people with epilepsy understand the way in which assistive technology could change their lives.
We want you, the users of assistive technology as well as carers of those with epilepsy, to provide us with feedback by answering just 5 questions on our feedback form. Not only will we use this information to work harder in providing greater products but we will be working with Young Epilepsy to provide information about assistive technology in their latest epilepsy guide from the people that matter most, those that use it day in day out.
More Help and Information
The team here at Alert-it really hope you can take five minutes to help us to assist others. If you want more information about assistive technology for yourself, or any other information regarding epilepsy give us a call on 0845 217 9951 or 01530 231215