Sleep Easy Range
for Children & Adults

Alert-iT’s “Sleep Easy” range is ideally suited for use in both family and care home environments. With Alert-iT’s unique “SafelinkTM” radio providing a failsafe wireless alarm that can be depended on, and devices manufactured to ISO 13485 Quality Standards, our range of device are reliable and safe.
For your complete peace of mind, the Alert-iT team are ready to advise you when it comes to choosing the ideal product for your needs, as well as delivering expert after sales support to ensure you have a product that you can rely on.
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Trusted by parents, carers and users across the UK.
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Introducing the Companion Mini range
The Companion mini is the small, smart and sensitive unit that can tell apart a person’s fine repetative movement and normal sleep activity, contributing to peace of mind. It’s small, but it’s tough and it’s completely cable-free. Suitable for children and adults. Designed to detect movement fine from beneath the user’s mattress.
Companion Mini
For Your Home
A compact, robust and portable device, the Alert-iT Companion Mini is placed beneath a mattress, the sensor unit differentiates repetitive fine movements from normal sleep activities before passing an alarm to an Alert-iT Safelink Plesio pager.
Key Features
450m Failsafe Radio
Up To One Year Battery Life
Contributing to Peace of Mind For Parents
Easy to Install
3 Year Warranty

Companion Mini Pro
The Portable Option for your Healthcare Facility
Designed for use in professional healthcare environments, the Companion Mini Pro is used in conjunction with Alert-iT Advanced pagers (compatible with our P137, 8 or 64 channel pagers). A remote reset unit is supplied for installation in the vicinity of the user, ensuring that carers attends.
The Sensor
Brilliantly simple to install and use, the Companion Mini’s sensor also makes it one of the smallest and most discreet systems yet. There are no cables to connect, and the device is ready in seconds, making it equally useful for use away from home. Highly durable, and a battery life of up to one year, keeping maintenance to a minimum.
Key Features
Cancel at Source
One Year Battery Life
Designed for Professional Healthcare Facilities

Companion Mini Connect
The Integrated Solution
The Companion Mini Connect is designed to link up with third-party Nurse call and Telecare systems, offering Alert-iT’s sensing technology and alarming to your preferred call system.
Works with your Telecare or Nurse call system.
Easy to Install and Test
One Year Battery Life
Monitor the Continuous Function Using Alert-iT’s Failsafe Technology*