World Photography Day takes place on 19th August and is an annual, worldwide celebration of photography. Everything from the craft, science, history and art are celebrated.
It got us thinking, about how we look at things in life, and we wanted to reverse the lens and take a closer look at carers. But, more importantly, the need for carers to look closer at themselves and their own well being.
We all know that carers are marvellous, selfless, kind people who are dedicated to their role. But as rewarding as caring is, it can be exhausting, and it’s good to take some time to look after yourself too. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
So, with that in mind, we’ve put together five tips that can help with your own wellbeing:
Make a little time for you
It can be tiring being a carer, and it’s essential to take a little time for yourself, whether that be trying a hobby or relaxing in the garden with a good book.
Don’t be lonely
Sometimes, caring can be very lonely. This sounds crazy as you’re with someone 24/7, but being with the same person can stunt conversation and interest. Try and get out once a week, even for an hour or so, to a local coffee morning, or there are walking groups you can get out to walk and chat with.

Simple steps
There are some simple steps for self-care too. For example, are you drinking enough water, particularly with the recent heatwave, it’s so important. Aim for 2 litres away. Try and work some extra fruits and veg into your diet and up your protein to maximise energy levels. Are you utilising technology to ease the load? What about night alarms for your care-ee so that you can sleep better? Anything which eases the pressure.
Getting active
Trying to fit in a bit of daily exercise can be a challenge, but the energy boost and wellbeing you’ll get from it makes it well worth the effort. Nothing too strenuous, just a 10 minute walk each day. And, if you can’t leave the house, there are so many courses on youtube, from chill-out yoga to Latin dance which will leave you beaming from ear to ear.
Ask for help
If things do get a bit much, ask for some help. There are lots of groups who are there to help carers, from your GP and Mind through to courses from Carer’s UK
We hope these tips help you in the wonderful job you do. What we would love you to do is to share a photo that reflects what being a carer means to you – share on social with the hashtag #AlertITWorldPhotoDay and we’ll pick a winner.
Good luck