What will you do to reduce your stress this week?

This week marks International Stress Awareness Week (7th-11th November), giving us all the opportunity to pause and think about the people we work with, the people who have the additional role of carers, and the disabled and vulnerable, who may be quietly suffering from stress.  The theme for 2022 is “Working Together to Build Resilience…

Destination Dusseldorf

We just wanted to update you on where we are headed this September. After a long gap due to the pandemic, it’s great to be back meeting people face to face again, and we are off to the Rehacare 2022 International Tradefair in Dusseldorf from 14-17 September 2022. It’s the world’s largest trade fair for…

April is Stress Awareness Month

Did you know… April is Stress Awareness Month?  This year’s chosen theme is ‘Community’. The Stress Management Society has chosen this because they feel lack of support can cause loneliness and isolation, which in turn lowers people’s wellbeing, which can have an impact on mental health, which can unfortunately lead to mental illnesses. and can…

Talking epilepsy this purple day

KEEPING THE CONVERSATIONS GOING WITH ALERT-IT There are currently more than sixty-five million people in the world living with epilepsy, with 600,000 of those in the UK alone. Each day, eighty-seven more people are diagnosed in Britain and 1 in 100 people are estimated to have epilepsy with the cause unknown in 50% of cases.…

Looking through the lens at carers wellbeing

World Photography Day takes place on 19th August and is an annual, worldwide celebration of photography. Everything from the craft, science, history and art are celebrated. It got us thinking, about how we look at things in life, and we wanted to reverse the lens and take a closer look at carers. But, more importantly,…