Volume 1.
Whilst scrolling recently, we noticed a report about seizure detection at home and whether devices at home matched the needs of people living with Epilepsy and their caregivers?
It got us thinking that with over 50 million people affected by Epilepsy worldwide, its impact has no age, ethnic, or geographical boundary. But do the devices today provide the freedom and dignity levels expected in today’s society?
Although the medication to treat Epilepsy has seen no significant change for many years, the recent developments in stem cell research and machine learning are driving forward more personalised and more effective epilepsy management.

But technology, as I’m sure you, l know has made huge inroads and the pandemic has expedited this further, with accelerations in technology sped up by an estimated five years.
There has been a rapid emergence of new technologies to help with health care. For example, with the advancements of smartphones, health conditions can collect a wealth of data to provide valuable new insight for patients and their medical professionals.
Technology is developing at such a pace that patients and their caregivers now have more freedom, more dignity and can start living their best lives.
Stay tuned to find out more information on our website at https://alert-it.co.uk and on our social channels. We have big, ground-breaking things coming!